Swasthyam Multispeciality Clinic

Phone Number

092879 88031
092879 88032


Supreme Tower, Lobby C, 1st Floor, Christian Basti, GS Road, Guwahati

Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday
9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Dr Krishanu Kakati

Dr. Krishanu Kakati

MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), PDFS

Dr. Krishanu Kakati

MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), PDFS

Consultant Trauma and Joint Replacement, Upper Limb Disorders and Surgeries, Shoulder Arthroscopy and Replacement

Monday to Friday

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday​

On prior appointment

About Dr Krishanu Kakati

I am an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in trauma and joint replacement surgeries encompassing hip, knee and shoulder and have specialised training in upper limb surgeries including shoulder arthroscopy and replacement and complex wrist and elbow surgeries.

Awards & Achievements

  1. Fellowship in joint replacement for hip and knee
  2. Fellowship in shoulder arthroscopy, hand, wrist and elbow surgeries.

PR & Published Articles

  1. A rare case of Fish Bone penetrating injury to radius causing Osteitis and non-healing sinus
    Open Journal of Orthopaedics, Vol.3 No. 5 2013.

  2. A prospective study on the operative management of fractures of the lateral end of clavicle and acromioclavicular joint disruption
    IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Vol. 16, Issue 8, Ver. 5, Aug. 2017

Professional Membership

    1. North East Regional Orthopaedic Surgeons’ Association (Nerosa) – Life Member

    2. Associate Fellow – Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (Apoa) Shoulder Elbow Society of India (Sesi) -Life Member

    3. Indian Arthroscopy Society (IAS)- Life Member

Special Interest

I have special interest in dealing with complex wrist and hand injuries and shoulder rehabilitation protocols.

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